Youth and Drunk Driving

One of the things I'd like to further research after this course, to further my knowledge, is youth and drunk driving. This was briefly touched on in Week 8, but I know that some of the youth that I work with don't think twice about drinking and driving, so I'd like to have more information about it.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) has provided these statistics for youth drunk driving in Canada:

I grew up in a city in BC, whereas my husband grew up in a rural community in AB. In my high school it was less common to drink and drive, because of the police presence and access to public transit. In contrast, it was more common in my husband's high school do drink and drive because of the lack of public transit, and the lack of police presence. I'm not suggesting that one lifestyle is safer for teens than another; instead, I'm interested in the safety of youth. As someone who is entering into the Faculty of Education, if I remain in Southern Alberta, I could end up teaching in a city or end up teaching in a rural community, which is why I think the following article is interesting:

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